FRIDAY, November 8, 2024 (9 AM – 6PM) AND SATURDAY, November 9, 2024 (9AM – 6PM)
Nothing is priced more than $5!
Operation Troop Appreciation (OTA) is inviting the public to find great deals on gently used jewelry. Prices start at $1.00, and there is nothing more than $5.00! Since 2004, Operation Troop Appreciation has served over 200,000 returning home veterans and currently deployed soldiers. They are listed as one of the top 12 rated charities on (with 90% of their funding going directly to the needs of soldiers and veterans). They are a completely volunteer organization.
According to OTA Volunteer Representative, Kathie Gasior, who has hosted this event for the last 11 years states, “This sale is so important for our troops well-being. What we make at this sale goes directly to our veterans, those returning and those currently serving. I am honored to be able to organize this sale for nine years that is dedicated to our veterans.”
The sale is being held at the South Park Community Center at the South Park Municipal Complex, 2675 Brownsville Road, South Park, PA 15129 (behind South Park Library).
They will also accept used jewelry for the upcoming sale. Email or contact Kathy Gasior with any
questions or donations: 412-833-7561